Double Mapping in Metaphorical Expressions of Thought and Communication in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)

Autor/a: JARQUE, Maria Josep
Año: 2005
Editorial: Sign Language Studies. Vol. 5, Nº 3 (2005) pp. Spring 292-316
Tipo de código: DOI
Código: 10.1353/sls.2005.000
Soporte: DVD


Lingüística, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


The presence of iconicity in sign languages—that is, conceptual mappings between form (phonology, syntax, etc.) and meaning (semantics)—constitutes a strong argument for cognitive theories. This article analyzes data from Catalan Sign Language to demonstrate an association between grammar and cognitive abilities such as object recognition, spatial structure, body awareness, and the modeling of bodily movement and position in space.