Documentary and corpus approaches to sign language research

Autor/a: FENLON, Jordan; JOHNSTON, Trevor; SCHEMBRI, Adam; CORMIER, Kearsy
Año: 2015
Editorial: Oxford: Wiley, 2015
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Sistemas de transcripción de las Lenguas de Signos, Lingüística » Corpus signados


In this chapter, we discuss some key aspects of methodology associated with signlanguage documentation and corpus based approaches to sign language research. We firstintroduce the field of sign language corpus linguistics, carefully defining the term‘corpus’ in this context, and discussing the emergence of technology that has made thisnew approach to sign language research possible. We then discuss specific details of themethodology involved in corpus building, such as the recruitment of participants, theselection of language activities for the corpus, and the set up for filming. We move onto adiscussion of annotation for corpora, with a focus on the use of ID glossing. We closewith a brief discussion of online archiving and accessibility.

En: Eleni Ofanidou, Bencie Woll & Gary Morgan (eds.), Research methods in sign language studies: A practical guide, pp. 156-172.