Differential processing of topographic and referential functions of space
During the comprehension of signed sentences, we hypothesize that 2 types of internal representations may be constructed / in processing ASL [American Sign Language], a syntactic and discourse representation must be extracted from spatially encoded reference; however, when space is used to map a real world scene or to describe a spatial array, a spatial representation may be extracted along with the linguistic representation of the sentence / [investigate] the nature of these representations, their interaction, their separability, and the time course of their construction during processing present 3 different studies [involving 37 deaf adult signers and 1 hearing adult signer with a predominantly mesial superior occipital-parietal lesion] that investigate: (1) the neural underpinnings of topographic and referential spatial functions, (2) on-line processing of these different uses of space, and (3) their encoding in memory / results of each study argue for a functional distinction between the use of signing space to represent spatial relations topographically and the use of space to encode linguistic distinctions and relations.
En: Karen Emmorey & Judy S. Reilly (eds.), Language, gesture and space, pp. 43-62.