Deaf/non-deaf interpreter Teams: Canadian insights on the complexity of professional practice

Autor/a: RUSSELL, Debra
Año: 2017
Editorial: New York: Routledge, 2017
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Traducción e Interpretación


This chapter draws on data from open-ended interviews with 4 Canadian Deaf interpreters (DIs) and 4 Canadian non-deaf interpreters (nDIs) examining their experiences providing interpreting services for Deaf people across a range of community based settings. These findings are contrasted with existing literature that frames interpreting in general and specifically with DI, raising questions about some of the current approaches used to educate DI and the dominant philosophical curriculum assumptions (Boudreault, 2005; Forestal, 2014). We ask if the current approaches to training DI is predominantly skewed to working with Deaf consumers who use American Sign Language (ASL). We consider how DI learn to work with consumers who are recent immigrants, who are not fluent in ASL, who may not possess another signed language, and who may never have had access to education in a formal sense. The findings challenge the nomenclature that is used to describe the work in appointments where there are language and cultural complexities that are unique. These results are discussed in relation to norms and practices that are embedded in our field’s current DI training. Finally, recommendations are offered for further advanced research and evolving professional practices within the field of Deaf interpreting

En: Christopher Stone y Lorraine Leeson (Eds.): Interpretingand the Politics of Recognition.