The Deaf Way: Perspectives from the International Conference on Deaf Culture

Autor/a: ERTING, Carol; JOHNSON, Robert; SMITH, Dorothy; SNIDER, Bruce
Año: 1994
Editorial: Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press, 1994
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978-1-56368-033-5
Soporte: Papel


Comunidad y cultura sorda, Historia, Arte y Cultura


The Deaf Way documents the vast scholarly and artistic endeavors that took place in July 1989 when more than 6,000 deaf people from around the world met at Gallaudet University to celebrate Deaf culture. More than 150 articles by world-renowned experts examine every aspect of Deaf life in societies across the globe. This outstanding volume is divided into ten distinct sections: Deaf Culture Around the World, Deaf History, The Study of Sign Language in Society, Diversity in the Deaf Community, Deaf Clubs and Sports, The Deaf Child in the Family, Education, Deaf/Hearing Interaction, Deaf People and the Arts, and Deaf People and Human Rights Issues.