Deaf migration through an intersectionality lens

Autor/a: EMERY, Steven David; IYER, Sanchayeeta
Año: 2020
Editorial: Disability & Society, 37(1)
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


This article is based on an empirical research study of deaf migration, using an intersectional lens. The study of migration and the lens of intersectionality are increasingly being deployed in academic circles but both are very recent when it comes to the study of deaf people. Our key reason for using the lens of intersectionality is twofold. Firstly, we believe that it enables us to highlight the experiences of people who tend to be neglected in the scholarly literature – in this article, our focus will a case study of two Black deaf African migrants. Secondly, we want to encourage the reader not merely to ‘add’ migration as an identity/experience of the lives of a community of deaf peoples but to examine and explore the interlocking relations of power that they experience. We believe intersectionality is an ideal lens through which to do so.
