Deaf Jewish Space and DEAF-SAME: The International Conferences of Deaf Jews in the Twentieth Century
Nobody is able to deny seriously that due to anti-Semitism prevailing in many countries, Jewish Deaf-mutes have it far more difficult to make a career comparing to their non-Jewish fellows. — Erwin Kaiser and A. Birnbach, Weltbund der jüdischen Gehörlosen (World Association of Deaf Jews),1 Berlin, 1931 I recall my happiness when getting together with Deaf people at social events. This immediate feeling of belonging and familiarity, based on a shared sense of a Deaf “being-in-the-world” (Ladd 2003, xviii) and a shared visual language, put me at ease. Once, after some initial chatting, someone suggested I buy a beer for everyone. After all, “I was a Jew and therefore had to be rich. Or was I stingy?” he added. There was no way out of the stereotype. At that moment, happiness gave way to bitterness. deaf-same was not for me. deaf-same is not for Jews.
En: Friedner, M. y Kusters, A. (2015): It's a small world: international deaf spaces and encounters, pp. 34-46.