Deaf identity and social images in nineteenth-century France

Autor/a: QUARTARARO, Anne T.
Año: 2008
Editorial: Wasington: Gallaudet University Press, 2008
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978-1-56368-367-1
Soporte: Papel


Historia, Arte y Cultura


Since the French Revolution in1789, Deaf French people have struggled to preserve their cultural heritage, to win full civil rights, and to gain access to society through their sign language. Anne T. Quartararo depicts this struggle in her new book Deaf Identity and Social Images in Nineteenth-Century France. In it, she portrays the genesis of the French Deaf community, examines its identity as a minority culture, and analyzes how deaf people developed their cultural heritage, a deaf patrimonie that has been historically connected to the preservation of French sign language.