Deaf/Hearing Research Partnerships

Autor/a: WOLSEY, J. A.; DUNN, K. M.; GENTZKE, S. W.; JOHARCHI, H. A.; CLARK, M. D.
Año: 2017
Editorial: American Annals of the Deaf, 161(5), 571-582
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


Deaf individuals typically are seen through the lens of the dominant hearing society’s perception, i.e., that being deaf is an impairment. Today, a small but growing number of Deaf and hearing researchers are challenging this perception. The authors examined perceptions of what components are necessary for a successful Deaf/hearing research partnership, and propose that it is essential for Deaf and hearing researchers to embrace a Deaf epistemology. The authors found that a core category of equity is the key to effective teams. This equity is based in part on the mutual understanding that American Sign Language is the lingua franca of the team, as it provides full and easy access between Deaf and hearing team members. Additionally, a transformative paradigm, as a research frame, was found to be necessary to focus on leveling the playing field for Deaf researchers.
