Deaf Anthropology

Autor/a: FRIEDNER, Michele; KUSTERS, Annelies
Año: 2020
Editorial: Annual Review of Anthropology (2020)
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


Deaf anthropology is a field that exists in conversation with but is not re- ducible to the interdisciplinary field of deaf studies. Deaf anthropology is predicated upon a commitment to understanding deafnesses across time and space while holding on to “deaf” as a category that does something socially, politically, morally, and methodologically. In doing so, deaf anthropology moves beyond compartmentalizing the body, the senses, and disciplinary boundaries. We analyze the close relationship between anthropology writ large and deaf studies: Deaf studies scholars have found analytics and cat- egories from anthropology, such as the concept of culture, to be produc- tive in analyzing deaf peoples’ experiences and the sociocultural meanings of deafness. As we note, however, scholarship on deaf peoples’ experiences is increasingly variegated. This review is arranged into four overlapping sec- tions titled Socialities and Similitudes; Mobilities, Spaces, and Networks; Modalities and the Sensorium; and Technologies and Futures.