Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students' Performance on Arithmetic Word Problems

Autor/a: HYDE, Merv; ZECENBERGEN, Robyn; POWER, Des
Año: 2003
Editorial: American Annals of the Deaf, Vol. 148, nº 1 (2003) pp. 56-64
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital




There has been limited research into the intersection of language and arithmetic performance of students who are deaf or hard of hearing, although previous research has shown that many of these students are delayed in both language acquisition and arithmetic performance. The researchers examined the performance on arithmetic word problems of deaf and hard of hearing students in the South-East Queensland region of Australia; they also examined these students' problem-solving strategies. It was found that performance on word problems was similar for deaf and hearing students, but that deaf students experienced delays in achieving successful performance on word problems relative to their hearing peers. The results confirm the findings of other studies showing that students who are deaf or hard of hearing experience delayed language acquisition, which affects their capacity to solve arithmetic word problems. The study conclusions stress the need for greater use of direct teaching of analytic and strategic approaches to arithmetic word problems.