Conceptual spaces and pronominal reference in American Sign Language

Autor/a: HOEK, Karen Van
Año: 1992
Editorial: Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 15, nº 2 (1992) pp. 183-199
Tipo de código: ISBN
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


American Sign Language uses spatial locations as an integral part of its systems of pronominal reference. Referents mentioned in an ASL discourse may be associated with points in the signing space (“referential loci”). Pronominal signs are directed to those loci, unambiguously indicating their referents. Referential loci are sometimes analyzed as overt phonological representations of the semantic indices associated with referents in the discourse. In this paper I show that referential loci do not function merely to index or identify referents, but rather that they carry a great deal of additional information pertaining to the conceptual location of referents in the discourse space. I examine contexts in which one referent is associated with two distinct loci in the signing space, and offer a preliminary formulation of principles governing locus selection in such contexts.