Comparing the Lexicons of Japanese Sign Language and Taiwan Sign Language: A Preliminary Study Focusing on the Difference in the Handshape Parameter

Autor/a: SASAKI, Daisuke
Año: 2007
Editorial: Gallaudet University Press
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


It is often said that sign languages in Taiwan and Korea are quite similar to Japanese Sign Language (JSL) (e.g., Smith 1989, 1990). Yasuhiro Ichida, a hearing signer and researcher of JSL, made a trip to Korea in the spring of 2002 and reports on the similarity between JSL and Korean Sign Language (KSL): “First of all, the overall impression was that the difference between Korean Sign Language (KSL) and Japanese Sign Language (JSL) could be regarded as a dialectal difference.¹ Many of the basic vocabulary items are similar. 

En D. Quinto-Pozos (Ed.), Sign Languages in Contact.