Comparing IS and NGT interpreting processing time: A case study
This study investigated the duration of the processing time between two teams of international sign (IS) and Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) interpreters working in parallel from the same source discourse in a conference setting. IS interpreting is increasing in international settings and IS interpreters tend to work along with national SL interpreters. Two studies on English to IS interpreting reported an extended processing time for IS interpreters based on data from 1995 (McKee and Napier, 2002) and 2002 (Rosenstock, 2008), ranging from between 10 and 16 seconds (McKee & Napier, 2002). In contrast, in another study on ASL interpreting, the interpreters’ processing time was between 2 and 4 seconds (Cokely, 1986), which corroborated the values measured for spoken language interpreting of between 2 and 5 seconds (Timarová, 2011). In our study, based on data collected in 2018, we compared the processing time of a group of IS interpreters to the processing time of a group of NGT interpreters. The results showed no statistically significant difference in the interpreting processing time between the IS and NGT interpreters. The results do not align with the reports from previous IS interpreting studies but are similar to the processing times seen in spoken language interpreting (Timarová, 2011) and in one study of ASL interpreters (Cokely, 1986). The difference between IS and NGT interpreting processing time in this study appears to depend more on individual differences between interpreters than on the languages involved.
En C. McDermid y S. Ehrlich (Eds.), Proceedings of WASLI 2019, pp. 74-95.