Best Practices: American Sign Language and English Interpretation Within Legal Settings

Autor/a: National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers NCIEC
Año: 2009
Editorial: NCIEC, 2009
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Traducción e Interpretación


Interpreting in the legal setting is a long-recognized area of specialization in the field of ASL- English interpreting. Tradition from the field of spoken language interpreting and legal community contribute to the conventional way legal interpreting work is performed. As well, practices have been conceived by ASL-English interpreter practitioners over time through a process of application of theory drawn from the profession’s scholarship. As more scholarship and research emerge, practices evolve, improve, and change. The NCIEC Legal Interpreting Workgroup has sought to further this process by building a series of expert, practitioner, educator and consumer partnerships that deepen our understanding of the work of interpreters in the legal setting. Through a series of focus groups and expert consultations with Deaf and non-deaf interpreter practitioners specializing in legal interpreting, and with consultation from members of the judiciary, the NCIEC Legal Interpreting Workgroup has developed this document of current Best Practice that addresses some of the most critical and essential elements of legal interpreting work.