Being a deaf white anthropologist in Adamorobe: Some ethical and methodological issues
Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012
Tipo de código:
Comunidad y cultura sorda, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos
Many of the researchers who have visited ‘shared signing communities’ (Kisch 2008) are hearing linguists interested in these communities’ sign languages. A hearing anthropologist (Kisch 2004, 2007, 2008) has done extensive research amongst the Bedouin, and Marsaja (2008) provides us with sociocultural information about Bengkala. Only recently have deaf the Bedouin, and in Chican (Mexico), Alipur (India), and Bengkala (Bali). However, deaf-led anthropological research has been absent in such communities until my recent entry into Adamorobe.
En: U. Zeshan & C. de Vos (Eds.), Sign Languages in village communities: anthropological and linguistic insights, 27-52.