Auslan Corpus Annotation Guidelines

Autor/a: JOHNSTON, T.
Año: 2013
Editorial: Sydney: Macquaire University, 2013
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos, Lingüística » Sistemas de transcripción de las Lenguas de Signos, Lingüística » Corpus signados


The creation of signed language (henceforth SL) corpora as modern linguistic corpora presents special challenges to linguists. SLs are face to face visual - gestural languages that have no widely accepted written forms or standardized specialist notation system which can be used in the representation in some form of writing what is being uttered. Until recently, transcription and glossing practices have created datasets that have been small, non representative and/or not machine readable in any meaningful sense. This naturally raises questions about the grammatical descriptions or theoretical claims based on these data. Detailed phonetic or phonological transcription has consumed the efforts of many research teams over a considerable period of time but have resulted in relatively modest texts that still lack the identification of type-like units at any other level of linguistic organisation beyond the individual sign. Similarly, SL texts that are represented by contextually sensitive glosses, rather than phonetic or phonemic notation and transcription, have also proved problematic due to idiosyncratic practice (the same sign form actually being glossed in multiple ways by different researchers) and the fact that glossing gives little or no indication of sign form.