ASL-Phonological Awareness Test

Autor/a: McQUARRIE, Lynn
Año: 2013
Editorial: [S.l.]: [S.n.], 2013
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Educación » Adquisición y desarrollo del lenguaje, Formación, Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


The American Sign Language-Phonological Awareness Test (ASL-PAT) is being developed at the Minerva Deaf Research Lab (MDRL) at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  The purpose of this Web-delivered test is to assess ASL phonological awareness in young deaf children aged 4-7 years old. The ASL-PAT is modeled after McQuarrie’s (2005) receptive-based phonological similarity judgment task, which was developed for older deaf children aged from 8 to adulthood.