The American Sign Language Starter: a beginner's Guide

Autor/a: TENNANT, Richard; GLUSZAK BROWN, Marianne; NELSON-METLAY, Valerie (il).
Año: 2002
Editorial: Wasington DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2002
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 9781563681820
Soporte: Papel


Lingüística » Lingüística de otras Lenguas de Signos


Beginning signers now can improve their recognition of the most commonly used signs with this easy-to-follow handbook based upon the revolutionary dictionary. The American Sign Language Handshape Starter illustrates 800 of the most frequently used signs, arranging them by the 40 standard handshapes used in American Sign Language (ASL). Carefully chosen for their common use, the signs also have been organized by day-to-day topics, including food, travel, family, sports, clothing, school terms, time, nature and animals, and many others from everyday conversation.