American Sign Language and reading ability in deaf children
The intent of this chapter is to examine bases of reading ability in signing deaf children. If learning to read is viewed as the task of learning the relation between spoken language and its representation in print, then the task of learning to read in the case of signing deaf children must be doubly complicated. First, is their lack of direct access of spoken language. They don't hear, and presumably don't use, at least, not efficiently, sounding out processes that might help them learn to read. Second, the form and structure of the signed language they use is unrelated to either spoken English or its written form. If signed language competence has a relation with reading, it is not obvious why it should. Indeed, most of the literature on reading development and achievement in deaf children does not include deaf children's signed language competence as a variable.
En: C. Chamberlain, J. Morford, & R. Mayberry (Eds.). "Language Acquisition by Eye" (2000) pp. 165-189.