Academizing a semiprofession: a chicken and egg dilemma

Autor/a: BONTEMPO, Karen M.
Año: 2013
Editorial: Wasington DC: Gallaudet University Press, 2013
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital



In her chapter, Monikowski outlines the challenges facing interpreter edu-cators affiliated with higher education institutions today. The move toward the academization of signed language interpreter education in the United States, and indeed in several other countries around the world, has led to new demands of interpreter educators. Interpreter educators are now in-creasingly situated in universities, resulting in an expectation that in addi-tion to teaching they will also conduct research and continue their practice as interpreters. Of concern to Monikowski, however, is the low number of faculty members in interpreter education programs in the United States holding doctoral degrees and actively contributing to the scholarly knowl-edge of the field. Indeed, she is honest that there is little to teach without research, as for too long our sector has encouraged interpreter education and training based on intuition and not evidence—scholarship is the hall-mark of a profession and our field has far to go in this regard.

En: Winston E. A. & Monikowski, C. (Eds), Evolving paradigms in interpreting education: Impact of interpreting research on teaching interpreting.