A Study of the Identity, Culture and Language of a Sample of the Deaf Gay Male Community in Britain
There appears to be a plethora of academic work focusing on minority cultures. However, the instance of conducting research into the characteristics, behaviours, in-group dynamics of specific minorities within the Deaf community is seldom tackled at length. Work specifically focused on is often relegated to a small section within a book or journal paper and does not receive the attention it may warrant. This research was encouraged by the aspiration to fill this gap in knowledge and by the explicit research question: What is the identity, culture and language of the Deaf gay community? By seeking to establish what the Deaf gay community is, its culture, its identity, the language used and the issues it faces within the Deaf community and the gay community, the present work aims to pioneer and stimulate further research into the dynamics emerging in the relationship with those wider communities and organisations with which Deaf homosexuals engage.