“Why the long nose?”: A sociolinguistic analysis of deaf migrants’ language learning experiences in adult education

Autor/a: DUGGAN, Nora
Año: 2023
Editorial: Linguistics and Education, 78
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Educación, Formación


Linguistic skills are often seen as valuable capital necessary for migrants to successfully integrate into society. As part of Sweden's integration policy, deaf migrants are provided with opportunities to learn Swedish and Swedish Sign Language. Using an ethnographic approach comprising of classroom observations and semi-structured interviews in four folk high schools in Sweden, this study examines how deaf migrants’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds influence their language learning experiences. The study also explores different misunderstandings that have arisen as a result of not having the relevant linguistic resources necessary for efficient communication. The findings show the complexity of language learning and how this process is influenced by several social factors such as communication with family growing up, educational experiences or lack thereof, and cultural differences.
