19th Century Signs in the Online Spanish Sign Language Library: the Historical Dictionary Project

Autor/a: NOGUEIRA, Rubén; MARTINEZ, Jose M.
Año: 2004
Editorial: LREC IV International Conference, 2004
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Diccionarios y Glosarios


This paper will illustrate the work made in the Sign Language Virtual Library (http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portal/signos), a project aimed at people interested in Spanish Sign Language; and specially, at its main users, Deaf people. It is organised into six different sections: Literature, Linguistics, researchers forum, Deaf culture and community, bilingual-bicultural education and didactic materials. Each section contains different publications related to the above mentioned areas. Moreover, in this web you will also find an innovation, since every publication includes a summary in Spanish sign language. Two sections will be described: The Historical Dictionary published by Francisco Fernandez Villabrille and the Alphabetical Writing Lessons. Our intention is showing a full functional version of the applications described on the paper.

En: Oliver Srteiter y Chiara Vettori (eds.), Language Resources and Evaluation, pp. 63-67.