103 Haptic Signals: a reference book

Autor/a: The Danish Association of the Deafblind
Año: 2012
Editorial: The Danish Association of the Deafblind, 2012
Tipo de código: ISBN
Código: 978-87-989299-4-9
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda » Personas sordociegas


103 Haptic Signals – a reference book is a collection of the most common haptic  signals  used  by  deafblind persons and persons with visual and hearing impairments in Denmark.

The signals have been developed and  chosen  by  deafblind  persons and persons with visual and hearing  impairments  in  collaboration with their contact persons and a reference group consisting of representatives from different parts of the  deafblind  community  in  Denmark.