Using ELAN: A getting-­started guide for use with sign languages

Autor/a: BRICKFORD, Albert
Año: 2005
Editorial: Grand Forks: University of North Dakota, 2005
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Lingüística » Sistemas de transcripción de las Lenguas de Signos


ELAN (the Eudico2 Linguistic Annotator) is a program that lets you add annotations to a video file, which can make it much easier to study sign language videos. The annotations may be of many different types. An annotation may be the title of a section, a free translation of a sentence, a word or morpheme gloss, a phonological feature (such as eye blink or body shift), a comment about a grammatical structure or a cultural fact—any label or other information that you want to associate with a particular segment of time in the video.