Interações em redes sociais e as representações sobre a liderança da comunidade surda em textos verbo-visuais = the representations of leadership deaf community in verb-visual texts

Año: 2015
Editorial: Calidoscópio, Vol. 13, nº 2 (2015) pp. 201-209
Tipo de código: Copyright
Soporte: Digital


Comunidad y cultura sorda


The verb-visual texts are analysed in Bakhtin’s (2010) point of view as an utterance and dialogic relationships. We discuss how the leaders of the deaf community are recognized and represented. What is the role of verbal-visual texts on the messages posted in virtual groups regarding the deaf community leadership? This study is aimed at understanding how this form of communication is presented contemporaneously in these virtual groups on Facebook. This article presents a dialogical analysis on the insertion of images and cartoons as a representation of the deaf community about its political leaders in virtual discussion groups on the social network Facebook – the images and texts posted on the Group - Bilingual School for the Deaf or on the timeline of the participants in the period of 2010 to 2012. Found which  acknowledges  these  texts  as  depicting  a  political  leadership  comprised by “warriors” and “superheroes,” emphasizes the spread of the cultural memory and the exercise of a media citizenship representing the deaf identity, intermediated by verbal texts and by its visual and social representations.