We welcome you to the website of the Centre for the Language Normalization of the Spanish Sign Language, CNLSE.

CNLSE has been set up thanks to the Spanish Law 27/2007 (23rd October 2007) which recognizes the Spanish Sign Languages and regulates the means to support oral communication for deaf people, hearing impaired and deafblind people.

Our entity is an advisory and reference center in Spanish sign language of a state nature integrated into the Royal Board on Disability. The Governing Council of the CNLSE includes representatives of the State Administration and representatives of the Spanish sign language linguistic community. Its regulation is established in Royal Decree 921/2010, of 16th July.

Observing the transversality in the policies and lines of action, our main mission is to work for the Spanish sign language standardization as a benchmark center that ensures a proper use and to contribute to guarantee the linguistic rights of the users of this language. This baseline recognizes the linguistic rights of deaf and deafblind people to know and to use Spanish sign language in teaching, in the media, in public services and in general, in all the areas of activity, whether private or public.

As a state benchmark, we support the linguistic community right to promote as many measures as they need to:

  1. To avoid or alleviate linguistic and social conflicts resulted from minorization.
  2. To promote the linguistic and cultural identity of deaf and deafblind people,
  3. To guarantee the preservation of this linguistic and cultural heritage.

Through these sections, we want to offer a wide range of resources, as well as a space to exchange knowledge and experiences for those who are interested in this language.

We hope that our web becomes a powerful instrument at the service of our main activity: the research, promotion, and dissemination of the Spanish sign language.

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